Third Act is partnering with iconik to create a unique shareholder voting profile to support shareholder votes on key Third Act initiatives below. Individuals can have their shares automatically voted to match Third Act’s voting profile, and it works with every brokerage firm. About 88% of individual investors do not vote their shares. Use iconik to vote your shares to align with your values, raise your investor voice, and influence companies’ policies and practices on climate change, human rights, and more.
Climate Finance
Includes voting rules designed to restrict and reduce the financing of fossil fuel companies and new coal, oil and gas infrastructure, such as mines, pipelines and terminals. Supports setting absolute emission targets, and promoting investments in climate solutions, such as renewable energy infrastructure.
Indigenous Rights
Includes voting rules designed to align with and be held accountable to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), as laid out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), especially pertaining to new resource and fossil fuel extraction projects.
Primary Forests
Includes voting rules designed to promote truly sustainable forest management, including protection for primary forests and upholding Indigenous-led land use visions. Highlights include: refraining from sourcing forest-based products from primary and old-growth forests, promoting ecosystem integrity and biodiversity, and supporting proposals to disrupt supply chains and commodities that cause forest destruction.
Oil & Gas
Includes voting rules designed to ensure fossil fuel companies have legitimate, science based and verified transition plans to halve absolute Scope 1-3 emissions by 2030. Includes rules to regularly vote against directors of fossil fuel companies.
Political Activity
Includes voting rules designed to increase transparency about how companies pursue their interests through political processes, such as lobbying or supporting campaigns. Supports proposals to report on direct and indirect lobbying, political advocacy, and charitable giving activities, and report on reputational risk due to mismatch or conflict between a company’s values and policies and a company’s political or charitable activities.
Autovoting is simple to set up, whether you have a financial advisor or are managing your own investments.
Review Reports
The Third Act shareholder voting profile is designed to address key environmental, and social risks faced by public companies. These risks can negatively impact shareholder value.
How does it impact shareholder value?
Companies that disregard social and environmental concerns may be more susceptible to fines, boycotts, regulation, litigation, and reputational risk. They may find it difficult to acquire financing at competitive rates, and attract and retain a talented workforce. As they fall further behind, it may become increasingly difficult and expensive to catch up, hampering their ability to thrive economically.
These companies also contribute to systemic risk. Systemic risk means that the action of some corporations may negatively affect other corporations. Climate change is a clear example of this: actions of oil and gas companies are linked to extreme weather events, wreaking havoc on supply chains, and damaging crops and infrastructure. Companies depending on these supply chains are forced to take on new costs, translating into additional risk for investors. Companies may face higher financial risks from investments in fossil fuels that may become stranded assets, is another example.
For many people, risks to investments aren’t the most important issue, but rather the risk to the environment itself. Faced with an existential climate crisis, many people are using all means at our disposal - including voting rights as shareholders - to take action to limit global warming and address key social justice issues.
We are happy to have you join the movement of empowered shareholders!